The Golden Jubilee - 50th Anniversary

At Sekar's 50th anniversary founder Mr Harry Susilo launching of his book "The Power of Love"

The Sekar Group, a model of entrepreneurial success and a leading national company in Indonesian Food Industry, celebrated its milestone Golden Jubilee: 50th Anniversary on 29th May 2016.

Built from humble beginning as a home industry by Founder Mr Harry Susilo. The Sekar Group’s success is due to his illustrious hard work and efforts over the past 50 years, through his sincerity in business, courage in breaking new ground, vision for the future and his tenacity in overcoming numerous challenges.

Founder Harry Susilo, “emphasises the importance of understanding Sekar Group’s History, Culture and Values as the guiding compass towards the future.” He frequently explains to the next generation that “Without the knowledge and understanding of the firm’s History, Culture, and Values, the next generation would not be able to lead the organization. Despite their capabilities and prestigious educational background from the world’s leading academic institutions.”

Mr Susilo believes that “future generation should learn about the company’s history, culture and values before entering the business and should use this knowledge and past experience as capital towards the future”. Needless to say, Mr Susilo believes “the team is a prized possession of the Group and crucial to its future development.”

Sekar’s roots are as a family business and this can be seen in the extraordinary lengths, Mr Susilo goes to in order to nurture the next generation of family and professional managers. He constantly arranges educational programs and spend time sharing experiences and knowledge with them, either collectively or individually. This is a testament to his leadership style. Mr Susilo’s “dream is to have a smooth continuous transition between the older generation and the next generation, rendering a smooth transition of a change of leadership in the future, that will allow the Group’s future success to be in good stead for hundreds of years to come.”

Photo : Sekar Group from Left: Harry Lukmito, Loddy Gunadi, Harry Susilo, Harry Sunogo, and Harry Fong.

Photo : “Nasi tumpeng” is a form of representation of the relationship between God and humans and humans and each other.

Sekar Group’s Head Office

Jl. Raya Darmo No.23-25, Keputran, Kec. Tegalsari, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60265, Indonesia

PT Sekar Bumi Tbk

Jl. Jend Sudirman Sudirman Kav 59, Plaza Asia 21st Floor Jakarta Selatan, 12190, Indonesia

PT Sekar Laut Tbk

Jl. Jendral Sudirman, Sudirman 7.8 11th-02 Floor, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia

PT Ifishdeco Tbk

Sahid Sudirman Center 42nd floor Unit F Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 86 Central Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia

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